8th International Congress on
Action Research, Action Learning
ARAL 2025

Focus Speakers
Writing and Publishing Your Action Research Paper in Peer-reviewed Journals
Focus Speaker 1
Maricar Prudente, Ph.D.
Congress Chair, ARAL2022
De La Salle University – Manila
The seminar-lecture will focus on the essentials of disseminating action research reports as articles for publication in peer reviewed journals. It will elucidate the reasons for publishing and understand the processes involved. The lecture will cover the pre-submission, submission and post-submission concerns and guidelines to ensure publication success. A comprehensive discussion on the key elements of publishing such as ethical issues, style and language, structure and components of the paper, journal selection, article submission process and peer review will be presented.
Dr. Maricar S. Prudente is presently a Full Professor 10 of the Science Education Department of De La Salle University-Manila. Professor Prudente completed her Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology in March 1999 at Ehime University under a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Ronpaku Fellow Grant. As an educator, Dr. Prudente has served as administrator in various capacities at De La Salle University- Manila – as Academic Chairperson of the Science Education Department and as Research Director of the Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research (LIDER). Dr. Prudente has also served as a resource person, facilitator and coordinator in various seminars, workshops and training programs dealing with action research, environmental issues, science education, and technology integration. She is the Chairperson and Organizer of the Action Research Action Learning (ARAL) International Congress held annually at De La Salle University Manila. Currently her Google Scholar profile shows her total citations at 5006 and an h-index of 32, placing her among the top rank Philippine Scientists. Her involvement in research was recognized in 2015 when she was awarded the Lasallian Pillar of Excellence in Research by De La Salle University-Manila. Dr. Prudente was also the recipient of the 2015 Lifetime National Achievement Award of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP). Prof. Prudente was recently recognized as the 2018 Outstanding Filipino JSPS Fellow in the field of Education by the Department of Science and Technology.
Focus Speaker 2
Genevieve Arizala-Pillar, Ph.D.
Institutional Robotics Coordinator De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
In today’s technology-driven world, many countries are integrating robotics and programming concepts in their schools’ curricula to prepare students for their future. Many schools across the world have already recognized the importance of teaching robotics. Coding and programming skills will not only encourage the students to think critically but also think innovatively. Currently, robotics as a subject, is applied or taught in science high schools and in some public and private schools in the Philippines. It has become an elective in senior high schools because of the K to 12 program. Thus, innovation and transformation have to be reflected in the curriculum of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ). A descriptive action research and ADDIE model were employed in this study. Quantitative data were extracted from curriculum mastery report and the students’ performance tasks, while qualitative data were obtained from journals, learning guide, questionnaires, and focus group discussion. The following stakeholders were involved in this study: students (n1=1,930), teachers (n2=10), parents (n3=30), and subject-area coordinators (n4=20). The study dealt with the effectiveness of the robotics intervention strategy, evaluation of the stakeholders’ on the existing program, design of the curriculum, and essential features of the robotics curriculum. Results revealed that coding and programming were the students’ constraints for them to be able to do the activities. As a result, the robotics teachers reexamined the curriculum in order to deliver the supposed learning experience of the students. The Robotics teachers utilized the DLSZ Do-it-Yourself Robot kit and virtual programming apps that were fit for the learning targets. Feedback from the stakeholders were the bases for the development of the Robotics Curriculum. Continuous assessment of the curriculum, including the evaluation of the impact as tied to students feedback, will help with curriculum improvements and strengthen the performance of the students.
Dr. Genevieve Arizala-Pillar is the Institutional Robotics coordinator of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ). She was the DLSZ Grade School Science Coordinator for eight years. She graduated cum laude with a degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education with specialization in Mathematics from the Philippine Normal University. She finished Master of Science in Teaching Biology from De La Salle University-Manila. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy major in Educational Management at the De La Salle Araneta University, Best in Dissertation Award. Currently, she is the assistant secretary of Biology Teachers Association (BIOTA) – De La Salle University, Manila Chapter. She is a Google Certified Educator (Levels 1 and 2), an associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), and an action researcher. All of her research papers were published in scopus indexed journals. In recognition of Faculty Performance Incentive in the De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, she was awarded as Outstanding Instructional Leader for the Academic Year 2009-2010. She taught Math and Science for a number of years. She serves as a resource speaker in some workshops, seminars and webinars for the continuous fulfillment of educational learning goals.
Focus Speaker 3
Josephine Luz De Leon-Pineda, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Don Honorio Ventura State University
Bacolor, Pampanga
Being a reflective practitioner is one of the important skills that a teacher must develop; whereas, action research aims to improve one’s practice through constant reflection. Hence, the intersection of these two contributes towards one’s professional development. Being in a Teacher Education Institution (TEI) for several years, I have seen the importance of being a reflective practitioner in helping me develop future teachers who also reflect on their practice. In this session, I will discuss how action research has helped me improve pedagogies, innovate instruction, and provide solutions to classroom problems. Specifically, I will share my experiences from conceptualization of action research to its publication in reputable journals. It is hoped that this session will motivate participants to start or to continue doing action research in order to continuously improve their crafts.
Josephine Luz D. Pineda, Ph.D. is associate professor at the Don Honorio Ventura State University in Bacolor, Pampanga. She earned her degree, Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education with specialization in Mathematics at the De La Salle University in 2019 and Master's in Mathematics Education at the University of Santo Tomas, Cum Laude in 2010. Her undergraduate degree, Bachelor in Secondary Education major in Mathematics, was earned at the Don Honorio Ventura State University in 2007, with Distinction. She has presented her research in various national and international conferences, where she received distinctions such as Best Paper Award and Best Presenter. She has likewise published in reputable international research journals. With her engagement in research, she was recognized by the DHVSU as the ‘Most Outstanding Researcher of the Year in 2014 and was a Finalist for Outstanding Researcher of the Year in 2019. She is an active associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines where she participates in various research undertakings of the council. She has been sharing her research outputs in various teacher trainings and webinars and has been one of the speakers in capability trainings and research mentoring in her university and other institutions.
Doing Critical Reflection in Educational Action Research
Focus Speaker 4
Faculty of Research, Senior High School Division
José Rizal University, Mandaluyong
There is consensus in the literature that critical reflection plays a pivotal role in any action research (henceforth, AR) projects. AR requires practitioners to be highly reflective to solve problems of professional practice, thus putting critical reflection at the core of the AR process. However, how critical reflection should be carried out by action researchers and to what extent this should be amalgamated within the AR process remain essentially vague. In the Philippines, for example, many in-service teacher trainings on AR would seem to overemphasize general research methodology, with hardly any focus on critical reflection, if at all. Such practice then leads teacher-researchers to implement AR projects that are strongly positivist in orientation. In this lecture, I will explore the praxis of critical reflection in the context of educational AR. To this end, I will explicate the methodology of critical reflection in conducting and writing an educational AR. Through this lecture, I hope to shed light on the importance of critical reflection in educational AR that could usher the participants into becoming reflective education practitioners.
Bonjovi H. Hajan holds a Master of Arts in Education with specialization in English Language Teaching from Philippine Normal University, Manila. He earned his Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English, cum laude from Western Mindanao State University. At present, Bonjovi is a Research Lecturer at the Senior High School Division of José Rizal University, where he concurrently leads the research component of a CHED-funded national research-training project titled, “Quality and Continuous Improvement: Empowering Higher Education Teachers to Conduct Action Research”. He serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies, and a Reviewer of the English as a Foreign Language International Journal, and the International TESOL Journal. Bonjovi is an invited resource person in national and international teacher trainings on research methodology, action research, and research writing and publication. He is a published author in reputable academic journals, including those indexed in SCOPUS. His research interests include teacher training, research methodology, action research, language education, and applied linguistics.
