8th International Congress on
Action Research, Action Learning
ARAL 2025
Call for Papers
With the theme “Consequential Educational Practices and Action Research” presentations at the ARAL 2023 Congress covers the:
1. Diversity and Inclusion in Education;
2. Indigenous and Marginal Communities;
3. Mental Health and Well-Being;
4. Climate Change Literacy; and
5. Education for Sustainable Development.
Paper Presentation
Everyone is invited to submit a 150-200 word abstract of completed action research for parallel PAPER presentations at the congress. Detailed instructions on the submission guidelines can be found in the congress website. Please note that all submissions should be made through the website.
Poster Presentation
For on-going action research or undergraduate action researches, everyone is encouraged to submit a 250-word abstract for POSTER presentations. All abstracts of accepted paper and poster presentations, as well as the abstracts plenary lectures, will be published in the ARAL 2023 Book of Abstracts.
General Guidelines
All abstracts must be submitted electronically by the appropriate deadlines. Click here for list of deadlines.
You may submit up to three abstracts: one as primary author and the others as secondary.
All materials must be the work of authors listed and appropriately referenced.
All abstracts will be published as they appear in your submission. We are not responsible for and will not copyedit abstract submissions. Please ensure all special characters and formatting display correctly and your author block only appears once.
Please do not submit the same abstract twice.
Tips to Ensure Acceptance
Although abstract rejection is uncommon, we reserve the right to reject any abstract it deems inappropriate. To ensure abstract acceptance,​
make sure it fits the scope of the congress;
make sure it highlights something new or interesting to teachers/researchers, etc.; and
make sure it does not exceed the word limit and follows the format.
Abstract Submission Formatting
Please be sure your abstract more or less contains the following prior to submission:
A sentence stating the study’s objective (unless this is provided in the title)
A brief statement of methods, if pertinent
A summary of the results or findings obtained
A statement of conclusion
Please follow these guidelines when formatting your abstract:
Title and authors
Use a short, specific title. The title should be entered in sentence-style capitalization (i.e. Revisiting the political dimensions of Philippine English). Please do not use a period, or place your title in quotes, use bold.
Capitalize initial letters of trade names.
Please do not write given or family names, titles, or abstracts.
The abstract title is limited to 15 words, including spaces.
There is no character limit for your authors or author affiliations.
The abstract text is limited to 300 words. This limit includes the body of the abstract only. If your abstract exceeds this limit, it will be reviewed critically with respect to its length.
Your abstract body should typically not have any spaces, breaks, or include any examples. In other words, it should generally be one paragraph.
Please do not include tables, charts, or other figures.
Be sure to proofread your work carefully before submission.
Please ensure your abstract and submission details are correct. It will be printed exactly as it appears in the abstract submission system.