7th International Congress on
Action Research, Action Learning
ARAL 2023
Call for Full Papers
There will be a competition for BEST PAPER Award for ARAL 2017. Interested authors who want to participate in this competition will have to submit a FULL PAPER on or before March 15, 2017. All accepted full papers are for parallel paper presentations whereas shortlisted full papers (max. of 20 papers) will be published in the Conference Proceedings (with ISSN/ISBN). Details of the Best Paper Award are available at the website: https://araldlsu.wixsite.com/aral.
You should only submit the FULL versions of your paper if and only if all the following conditions are met:
the abstract you submitted has been accepted and that you have received a notification of acceptance;
you are interested to compete for the BEST PAPER AWARD;
you want to be included in the Congress Proceedings (only 20 papers will be included)
1. Read the information listed below.
2. Submit your presentation details here. **CLOSED
3. Submit your full paper in .docx format to aral.dlsu@gmail.com and aralcongress@gmail.com with the subject "ARAL 2017 FULL PAPER SUBMISSION_Surname-FirstName".
ARAL 2017 will serve as a venue for the sharing of best practices among professionals in order to contribute significantly to the improvement of the quality of life in ASEAN Region. This congress will focus on Action Researches that have been conducted at different levels in both public and private organizations. ARAL 2017 will involve workshops and plenary talks of distinguished speakers and paper presentations from different levels in the form of parallel sessions.
ARAL 2017 is inviting submissions of completed action research works for the paper presentations covering different disciplines, which includes, but not limited to, the following:
Science Education
Technology Education
Engineering Education
Agricultural Education
Mathematics Education
Language Education
Counselling and Psychology Education
Educational Leadership and Management
Nursing Education
Health and Allied Fields
Humanities and Social Sciences
Economics and Business Education
K-12 Curriculum
General Guidelines for Submission
All papers must be submitted electronically by the appropriate deadlines. Click here for list of deadlines.
All material must be the work of authors listed and appropriately referenced.
All papers will be printed and published as they appear in your submission. We are not responsible for and will not copyedit submissions. Please ensure all special characters and formatting display correctly and your author block only appears once.
Please do not submit the same paper twice or more.
To ensure paper acceptance,​
make sure it fits the scope of the congress;
make sure it highlights something new or interesting to teachers/researchers, etc.; and
make sure it does not exceed the word limit and follows the format.
Submission Formatting
Please be sure your paper more or less contains the following prior to submission:
Review of Literature
Please follow these guidelines when formatting your abstract:
Title and authors
Use a short, specific title. The title should be entered in sentence-style capitalization (i.e. Revisiting the political dimensions of Philippine English). Please do not use a period, or place your title in quotes, use bold, or use ALL CAPS.
Please do not write given or family names, titles, or abstracts in ALL CAPS.
The abstract title is limited to 15 words, including spaces.
There is no character limit for your authors or author affiliations.
The abstract text is limited to 300 words. This limit includes the body of the abstract only. If your abstract exceeds this limit, it will be reviewed critically with respect to its length.
Your abstract body should typically not have any spaces, breaks, or include any examples. In other words, it should generally be one paragraph.
Please do not include tables, charts, or other figures.
Be sure to proofread your work carefully before submission.
Please ensure your abstract and submission details are correct. It will be printed exactly as it appears in the abstract submission system.
Special Formatting
In the event your abstract has examples, kindly go to http://freetexthost.com/ and type your abstract there. Then, copy the link generated and submit this instead of the paragraph. The link should look like this: http://freetexthost.com/AAAAAAAA
Note that your abstract is a concise summary of what to expect in your paper/workshop and should not include too much details.